
Down in the Negaverse, Chapter 17

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

One last little Christmas scene before we begin.

Chapter -4: Meet Your Match Day

Ydnew’s House

“I have to admit, Ydnew, you sure made this Christmas dinner more lively.” Her father smiled. “Your body sustained lots of internal damage, but a little matterbending rearranging did wonders.”

Ydnew Llevram lay nearly dead on the floor, quivering. “Tha-a-a-a-a-a-anks, Da-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ad.”

“Let’s celebrate with tea!” Anac beamed, going to the kitchen.

“Snatch me some booze.” Ycul told her, not taking her feet off the table.

The Man With the Blue Eye went a few floors upstairs to his bedroom mirror, standing beside it sideways as his reflection morphed inverted colors. “I regret that things did not go the way I had hoped.” said Red Eye.

“It went fine for me. That’s all part of our balance, isn’t it?”

“Yes. You’re right. I must learn from my mistakes as well. My New Years Resolution will be never to use my magic for evil.”

“That won’t put an end to your philosophy, will it?”

“No. Well then… I must go. I shall see you in 3 months’ time, Sir Blue Eye.”

“If we’re going to be an alliance, I’d like to be on a first-name basis with you.”

“There is power in a name. And shouldn’t we already know each other’s?”

“Not all opposites have the same name.” Blue Eye blushed. “Come on, just this once.”

“All right. …Until the then, Sir Itaav.”

“The motion is carried, Lord Vaati.” The Positive rippled away, and Itaav walked out.

Now here’s the timeskip.

Dnalevelc Beach; -5 Yraunaj -6:55m.p.

Dnalevelc Beach… it was a mess. Fallen oil drums and trash everywhere… the shore polluted. This was the worst place for a meeting. Nerehc deeply questioned why he came earlier than the appointed time. He sincerely doubted his acquaintance would see him so-

“O HO ho ho!” Nerehc jumped with a start when the Happy Mask Man appeared behind him. “Why… you’ve met with a terrible fright, haven’t you?”

“…” Nerehc shook back to senses, “All right, whaddyou want? And it better be important, ‘cause this place is a dump.”

“…” The Mask Man grabbed his face and flashed white as he pulled off the mask that kept his true form concealed. “Oh, I find it absolUtely DelightfUl. Woh ho ho ho!” A gray-skinned being with shiny black hair, small orange horns up top, and a black shirt with a red ‘: )’.

Happy Mask Salesman

The form took Nerehc by surprise, but the being’s grin was as shiny as before. “Who… are you?”

“I am SanUla Kinsei. AnD I have liveD in this worlD for nearly 6,000 years… That was after I left the Termina Dimension, and many other worlDs before. I kept myself existent Using my beaUtifUl masks, alongsiDe my gooD frienD, Zanifr.”

“Zanifr? You mean that…”

“Ahh, what a terrible fate I’ve broUght onto him.” Sanula frowned. “He bareD his own view… on what the worlD shoUlD be. AnD soUght to make it trUe. OUr frienDs orDereD me to stop him… so I sealeD him insiDe the very mask I CreateD for him!” He was on the verge of tears. “Then I took him with me… to Termina. Where I kept him Close to me… always.”

“‘What the world should be’? Whaddoes that mean? What world?”

“Why… the worlD yoU live toDay.” His grin returned as he stared at the heavens with watery eyes. The clouds cleared away all of a sudden, Unveiling the gorgeoUs stars. “It all happeneD before yoU or this Universe even existeD… where we liveD was beaUtifUl… a marveloUs paraDise… Alternia. It was the worlD Created by ArCeUs before even the Creation of the other goDs… we haD the most wonDerfUl lanDs… anD everyboDy haD at least one person to love them… I haD Zanifr, anD Zanifr me… it was all so peaCefUl… bUt we haD one fatal flaw… we were UnbalanCeD.”


“ArCeUs haD not CreateD the other goDs, even Time… so no one was there to keep the Universe in order, and oUr very existenCe woUlD Destroy itself… so ArCeUs CreateD a whole ‘nother Universe, bUt not before loCking away oUr Dimension forever. BUt… that was not all ArCeUs DiD. ArCeUs orDereD Us with the very Creation of this new worlD… every single Detail and Design was oUr making, bUt the goDs stole all of the CreDit from Us… no one woUlD ever know, what power lay beyonD.”

“Okay—quick question—what the fuck is with you capitalizing your D’s, U’s and stuff? It’s hurting my eyes.”

“It’s jUst the way I talk.” Sanula grinned. “They look like smiley faCes. :) All of my frienDs have their speCial qUirk.”

“Well, can you please stop it, from a certain view it’d be hard to read, too.”

“GetUseDtoit. Ever sinCe that Day, we’ve watCheD this Universe grow. While trillions of years have passeD in this worlD, to Us it’s only been weeks, or Days, DepenDing on when we DeCiDeD to Check. That very anomaly was CentereD aroUnD my powers. I enjoyeD every minUte of it… living in this Universe. WatChing it grow from the insiDe. I was jUst so saD that… I CoUlDn’t enjoy it with my moirail. XC Every thing that’s happeneD… the Demon Wars, the NatUre Wars, Nightmares… those were evil times that I watCheD for the joy of my moirail… bUt there were enjoyable times, too. The Dawn of benDers, foUnDing of the KND, the Climax of those wars that broUght so mUCh misery… bUt in Dark times or bright, I enjoyeD every bit. It was almost as beaUtifUl as oUr own worlD… so then why, sniff… why mUst that TERRIBLE power retUrn AGAIN?” D,X

“WHAT terrible power?” Nerehc demanded.

“The one that forCeD ArCeUs to seal oUr worlD to begin with.” His eyes were very wide, sad, and as fluent as liquid. “OUr Universe was horribly UnbalanCeD, with an extreme overflowing of energy that no goDs were aroUnD to Control. This was espeCially DeaDly in the Time Department. OUr timeline was so Unbearably Unstable, we were eaCh other’s father, granDfather, hUsbanD, 4th DesCenDant… if ArCeUs let any of that energy seep into the new Universe, the same UnbalanCe woUlD’ve happeneD… so he CreateD an extremely powerfUl loCk to Completely seal oUr Dimension, maDe of Time itself, anD CreateD Dialga to balanCe anD seal that loCk forever. That extreme abUnDanCe of energy leD to the DestrUCtion of oUr worlD, bUt ArCeUs Chose a ChoiCe few to Design a new one, that we were not alloweD to live in or Cross to.”

“But then—how did YOU enter it?”

“My frienDs DevelopeD an oDD speCies CalleD the Zoni. They were entities who CoUlD go beyonD the limits of time or spaCebenDing, anD transporteD between the very worlDs UnDer the goDs’ watChfUl eye. At times, they will allow people to Cross worlDs as well, anD that’s how me anD Zanifr ventUreD here. BUt toDay, I feel as thoUgh the goDs knew all along… beCaUse even they know what’s going to happen.”

“What? What’s going to happen?”

“20 years ago, ArCeUs was reviveD from his sCattereD state by the Negatar. He was a powerfUl boDy of energy, anD that energy has been growing stronger anD stronger as he lay inCapaCitateD. MixeD with all of the anger he has been aCCUmUlating, the fabriC of spaCe and time in this Universe has been DistorteD. BUt following his retUrn to the Light SiDe, he regaineD Control of himself anD his energy… bUt it haD alreaDy happeneD.”

“GRRRR!” Nerehc was getting sick of these drawn-out explanations.

“The seal on oUr First Dimension haD begun to weaken with that oUtbUrst of energy, anD thoUgh it is in a righteoUs state now, the CraCk that haD openeD was too large. All of the energy in oUr worlD seepeD into this one, anD very soon, the very same CataClysm will happen. This Universe anD its inhabitants will be DestroyeD.”

“…How…How do you know?” Nerehc asked with a new tone of nervousness.

“It was prophesizeD by one of oUr most exCellent Seers: Terezi Pyrope. It Came, as if oUt of nowhere… ‘The god that has been asleep for millions of years will awaken in a fiery wrath. As the scorching sun shines upon the Earth in Year 2032, the cosmic energy which lies in the moons will give way and destroy his creation in a cataclysmic finish. The lock that had delayed his creation will be undone and soon give birth to a brand new universe, but before that time comes, he will hide from the gods that destroyed him in the world where they would never look.’”

Nerehc took a moment to absorb the information. “Okay… so the same cataclysm is gonna destroy our universe in 2032 during… ‘summer’… but what’s this about moons?”

“Another astonishing story. YoU know yoUr Universe is one of two siDes of a single Coin, bUt another Universe lies in the very matter that Coin is maDe from: the Netherverse. Where a tremenDoUs abUnDanCe of SpaCe Chi grows Unstably, anD like Time, mUst be kept UnDer Control. That is the seConD pieCe of the loCk ArCeUs negleCteD to CheCk, bUt Time and SpaCe are as ConneCteD as Positives and Negatives, yoU see. The Core of that Realm Within Matter is an important pieCe of the loCk, anD any happenings to that pieCe is fatal. The Distortion of the Time LoCk has CauseD the SpaCe LoCk to grow faUlty too, anD soon that Unstable SpaCe Chi will unloCk to its fUllest potential. In any Universe, the moons have been the primary gateway to that Netherverse. In the Termina Dimension, Zanifr attempteD to speeD the moon’s timeline so that energy will Destabilize faster, and shoUlD he have suCCeeDeD, the CataClysm woUlD’ve Come early. The Giants there were meant to CorreCt suCh an anomaly… bUt they CoUlD never CorreCt the natUral thing.”

“And now it’s about to happen for real.” Nerehc configured. “The god – Arceus, awakes in a fiery wrath, and then he hides…he hides where ‘they’ would never look, that means he was in the Negaverse; from the other gods, because he was inside Gnaa, right?”

“YoU forget, ArCeUs partially existeD insiDe Aang.” Sanula grinned. “Therefore wasn’t entirely in the Negaverse.”

“But that has to be what it means. Unless it’s talking about some other god…”

“Mmm… propheCies are never really Clear. I never UnDerstooD Terezi most of the time… bUt she was a lovable person nonetheless.” CX

“Sigh, okay well… how do we survive it?”

“Only Certain people are Chosen to Design the New WorlD… bUt there is a way to open the Time Gate beforehanD and leaD as many people as yoU Can to safety. Seven Lights anD Thirteen Darknesses mUst be foUnD to serve as keys to open the Door.”

“And these Lights and Darknesses are found?…”

“Not in this worlD.” he told Nerehc regrettably. “It is a Duty that falls primarily to the Positives.”

“So even in the faCe of Ultimate DestrUCtion, we Don’t even play a part in—CRAP, now I’m doing it, too!!”

“I woUlDn’t say yoU play no part. C: If the Positives are involveD, yoU mUst be a part of it, too. All Negatives are ConneCteD to their Positives, as it is fate. YoU balanCe eaCh other as oUr moirails Do, anD only the two of yoU Can help eaCh other grow. YoUr frienDs will not take well to learning of the CataClysm… bUt shoUlD yoU tell them anything, let it be to seek their opposites. If the Negatives anD Positives learn to aCt as one… wonDerfUl things Can happen. Please…” His eyes were watery and loving again, “tell them.” And with no more else to say, Sanula sprouted large, mystical, glowing white angel wings from his back, flapping into the starry heavens. “‘CoUrse, they may have to fight their Positives, too.” he noted before flying out of sight.

“Hmmm…” That was a whole lot for Nerehc to take in. He would never be able to remember every detail. But the fact their world was ending was important, though. He guessed he’d have to break it to ‘em. “They sure aren’t gonna like it, though… ho well, better late than never.”

All around the treehouses

“This is Supreme Leader Nerehc Onu with an important message to ALL listening DNK operatives. I have just been informed from a really odd acquaintance that the END is NEAR. The God of the Universe, Arceus created a world of unstable energy before this one, and now that energy is seeping into ours. It will cause our entire universe to be destroyed, and we have only the Positives to rely on to find some Seven Lights and 13 Darknesses and lead everyone to safety. I repeat, THE END IS NEAR. WE ARE GOING TO DIE THIS SUMMER. Thank you and good-bye.”

“…No we won’t.” Ennael replied, not believing in Arceus.

“Well, that’s not good.” Ynohtna said.

“My end is always near!” Ylime commented.

“Finally.” Arorua remarked.

“Be soon, please.” AlyakAm said.

“Ahhhhh, that didn’t go too terribly.” Nerehc said with relief on Moonbase. “I wonder if Cheren knows, too. …I should probably tell him just in case.

Uno Household

The sun had gone behind the horizon an hour ago, but there was still plenty of action goin’ before bedtime. Cheren Uno, for example, was on his bed and playing against Panini in late-night Mario Kart 4-D. He wished his heart could beat as fast, could bear as much energy as it usually had whenever he played Panini. But he just wasn’t in the spirit, not even going rounds with his friend/rival boosted him, although he hoped it would. He came in 2nd place while Panini made 3rd; he was fairing well tonight, but that still didn’t give him energy. Oh well, maybe this will.

“GAAH!” His dresser mirror rippled like liquid, and out came Nerehc.

“Hey.” he greeted coolly.

“N…Nerehc?” Cheren clamped his DS shut.

“Wasn’t interrupting private time, was I?”

“At least I’m not in underwear. Whaddyou want, Nerehc?”

“Relax, I just wanna talk.” Nerehc had a seat on a chair and faced Cheren. “So, do you remember that… Creepy Mask Guy from Termina?”


“He just met with me, but he’s not actually a man, he’s some gray… ogre thing.”

“You mean a troll.”

“Sorry, I only saw it on the info—hold on, how would you know?”

“I just got back from a meeting with Majora. Or should I say, Zanifr.”

“R-Really? Then he told you what’s gonna happen? This summer?”

This summer? “Y-Y…Yes.” Cheren’s face sunk.

“Then you told all your operatives?”

“Y—…Yes.” This was a lie.

“How’d they take it.”

“N-…Not well.”

“That makes sense. My operatives didn’t sound too amazed. I guess they shouldn’t be. ‘cording to Sanula-whoever, the Positives are the only ones have to worry about it. Seven Lights, Thirteen Darks.”

“A-Are we? To be honest, I kinda imagined the Seven Lights would be in our world, and the Darks would be in… yours.”

“Yeah yeah, but I imagine Legend of the Thirteen Darknesses won’t become a thing. I don’t actually understand the whole thing myself, it’s pretty messed up.”

“What did the Mask Man tell you exactly?”

“Well, there’s apparently another universe inside our ‘moons’ or something, and because Arceus exploded 20 years ago, the crazy energy inside those moons will build up and destroy everything. The Space Gate is inside that universe, it’s connected to the Time Gate which Arceus made, but he doesn’t check the Space Gate, that’s why it’s… gonna pop. Apparently, it’s from a prophecy Sanula’s friend whipped up.”

“What was the prophecy?”

“Well, he said the god that was asleep for millions of years, who I ASSUME is Arceus, will wake up and destroy his creation, which he did 20 years ago, give birth to a whole new world, which was what happened when our parents stopped him, and. . . huh. .”

“Uhhhh?” inquired Cheren.

“Hold on, hold on.” Nerehc rubbed his head and paced in thought. “He said the god’s been asleep..” his voice fell in a second, then came back, “scorching sun in Year 2032 – which I assumed is summer—it was summer during the Firstborn Quest, wasn’t it? But not 2032, that’s THIS year! Man, I need to think this through again.”

“Well, hurry up, I’m getting a headache.”

“Grrrrr!” Nerehc pinched his forehead in his left hand. “If only I could remember everything he said…” His right hand subconsciously gripped the Devil’s Sword in his sheath. …Then, his mind sparked. “Okay, okay! So, that energy that’s in the moons will destroy Arceus’s creation this year, and the lock that delayed his creation… hold on, hold on! If that means the Time or Space Locks, how did they delay his creation—no… they did delay his creation, because he had to seal that other universe, which delayed him creating this one- wait… Cheren, before Lord Gnaa revived him, where WAS Arceus?”

“I-I always thought that… he was in the Jewels of Light and Darkness, wh-which were inside Aang and Gnaa.”

“But he wasn’t hiding from the GODS, was he? Because he was destroyed. …And Lord Gnaa wasn’t hiding from them either, because they locked him IN that mountain to BEGIN WITH! I… ugh, the other parts center around Arceus, but the Year 2032 thing and that part about hiding… i-it just messes up the whole thing.”

“Well, whaddyou think it means?”

“…I think it means… it sounds like it’s saying it IS a different god. A god that’s… inside the Negaverse. And that god has something to do with this whole scenario…”

Cheren really wishes he’d speak up. He never took Nerehc to be the contemplative type. Or smart.

“Sigh, I really don’t understand.” He concluded. “Just… if it comes to you guys, promise me you’ll take care of it, Cheren. …Actually, I think we can help.”

“You can?”

“Sanula told me that the two of us are stronger when we fight together, and the same is true with other Positives and Negatives. If you guys are as stumped as I am, maybe we could have our two groups meet. Our Negatives can bond with your Positives—get used to each other, and then we can fight together.”

“That… sounds like a good idea. Any special time you wanna do this?”

“I’ll work it out with my Negatives, you do with your Positives, gather a bunch of mirrors and have us cross worlds iiiiiinnn… 3 days? At least?”

“Sure… I’ll put the message out. Oh, and there is one thing; my KND is still a little traumatized over the whole thing – DOZENS of Moonbase complaints – they might calm down by then, but just in case, can you tell your operatives not to… talk about it? Just go on like normal?”

“Sure. My guys don’t even care about it much. So I’ll… see you later?”

“Yeah. Good night.” With that, Nerehc climbed into the mirror and disappeared. Cheren opened his DS and returned to his game. No matter how much he tried, he still couldn’t get back into Mario Kart.

Dnaleci; Gnik Household

An average dull, night/day at Egroeg and AlyakAm’s house. A nice day for sitting around and doing nothing. Their doorbell rang, and after a quick Glue, Water, Computer game, AlyakAm lost and had to go answer. Behind their door was a skinny, blue robot with a green dome head. “Um… hello, Dearie. I’m a friend of your father’s, is he home?”

“I shall only divulge that information when I have earned 5 hours of Super Robot Fighting.”

“GRAAH!” The robot furiously smacked her aside. “The hell you will. That was the worst Christmas ever. . .” He bypassed Egroeg on the couch – fighting the strange urge to strangle either child, and entered the basement.

“Fatheeeerr, a robot toy has come to visit you.” AlyakAm called down the basement.

It was pitch-black down below. The five men who gathered could barely see each other… especially the shadowed man in the chair far back.

3 days later; KND Moonbase

“Attention, all Kids Next Door treehouses.” Cheren’s voice sounded in all bases. “As was announced days before, today is the first official Meet Your Match Day. Those of you who signed up, officials will be arriving at your treehouses with specially picked mirrors, each of which’s parallel is being given to your respective Negatives. When both mirrors are delivered, either you or your Negatives will be able to cross to each other’s world. Please note that while you may have signed, the Negatives may have thought otherwise and chose not to meet you. We will not disallow any fighting, as it is part of the natural process apparently, just promise not to kill each other. Thank you and enjoy your day with your natural opposite. …P.S., if the Negatives happen to mention anything out-of-the-ordinary, please disregard it. Thanks.” He said this part quickly.

Starting on Moonbase. The parallels of Panini, Francis, Marcus, Zach, Maddy, and Larry emerged out of mirrors. “Sicnarf.” Francis spoke professionally, going to shake his reflection’s hand.

“Francis.” Sicnarf returned the formality. “Shall we adjourn elsewhere and leave our comrades to interact?”

“You bet.” So with that, all parallels left to separate areas, while Panini and Ininap remained behind.

“He practiced all day sayin’ his name backwards for this meeting.” Panini snickered at her. “Just sayin’.”

“Heeheeheehee. Silly.” Inap smiled with deep embarrassment.

“So can I peg you as the type that’s spineless, wimpy, tends to be kindhearted, but would never last a half-second in Pinky War?”

“H-H-H-H-H-How did you know?” she shuddered quickly.

“Just a guess.”

Just as well, Maddy and Yddam went to have lunch in the cafeteria; Maddy a meatball sandwich and Yddam a carrotdog. “So uh, whaddyou like?”

“Does your world have metahumans?”

“Um… yeah?”

“Oh, I LOVE metahumans!” proclaimed Yddam brightly. “They have the coolest powers and they can do anything and I would’ve given ANYthing to be one!”

“Mmmmm hm.” Maddy munched her sandwich half-heartedly.

“But a long story short, it’s when you get to be in one’s shoes for a day that you think otherwise, and you’re more happy with yourself. But I still love them, I wanna study how the whole thing works one day! Same goes for element benders, it’s like every day, people are discovering new ways to use their powers! I heard of this one earthbender who..”

Really, it wasn’t a story Maddy would take care in, but contained her rudeness not to interrupt. To be fair, Maddy used to have exact opposite thoughts, until recently she formed a close bond with a certain metahuman and began to bypass these thoughts. But hearing people talk about them brightly still annoyed her—then again, she might feel the same if someone spoke crudely of them. It was probably a natural way of thinking when drastically changing opinions, but truth be told, she hoped Yddam would stop soon. Just 7 more hours until I win my bet with Zach.

Meanwhile, in the arcade room: “My usual hobbies include studying, homework, calculating strategies for my team, memorizing enemy patterns and movements, I watch a few educational programs every now and then, treat myself to a cartoon once in a while, but only if it isn’t stupid, I also..” Hcaz just went on and on.

7 more hours until you win the bet, Zach, you can make it. Zach thought, desperate emotions building inside.

Sector V

“You know, I think I saw you in the car when you guys came to get Nerehc.” Chris said to Sirhc in his room. “So, nice to finally meet you. You got any powers?”

“Um, no. The idea of being able to magically control things is just scary.”

“I see. Well, I’m a Fire-type. So don’t put any flammables near me.”

“O-OK. You have a nice headband.”

“Thanks. I’m a firebender, so I need something to absorb the sweat, yeah. Plus I’m hiding a rather embarrassing birthmark, between you and me.”


“Nice to see you again, Akurah!” Haruka beamed, in her room with her match. “Didja learn any new poisonbending?”

“Little. You?”

“Oh, I have LOTS to tell. Uhh, but maybe not. How have things been for you?”

“We celebrated Christmas and I didn’t enjoy it.”

“Oh, that’s cool.”

In Dillon’s room: “Kah ha ha ha! So your mom is Ms. Wickens’ Negative, and MY mom is Danika!” the boy laughed. “Guess that’s how the Reverse World works!”

“Uh-huh. So what’s your dad like?”

“He is the BEST! When he was an operative, he saved the whole KND from a ton of supervillains and destroyed an evil Sith Lord, NOW he’s a superhero! Oh, I could write a whole book about him, and 2 more that take place in alternate universes!”

“Yeeeeah. I’ve always wanted to Avada Kedavra mine in the face.”

“Oh. You don’t get along very well?”

“No. But now I guess I can’t Kedavra him knowing it’ll kill your dad.”

“Well, thanks for that, I guess. I wonder how-”

“UuuuuuOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAA.” In the corner, Vanellope Schweetz moaned loudly.

“Who’s this?” Nollid asked.

“Vanellope, a Program girl from Cyberspace. I found and downloaded her a few months ago.”

“Why couldn’t MY Negative visit?” she whined.

“I’m not exactly certain robots or programs HAVE opposites.” Nollid replied. “Well, maybe not ALL of them. I think it has to do whether or not you have a soul—but if they DIE together, I’m not sure, ‘cause programming can exist internally.”

“I wanna see my Negative NOOOW.” Vanellope glitched, jumping furiously. “NOW NOW NOOOW. Uuuugh.”

In the living room, Mason and Nosam were on the couch. “Have you ever been in loooove?” asked the Negative with a dreamy smile.

“Uhhh… yeah, kind of.”

“Did you ever wish to be glued to your loved one forever?”

“That… would create trouble going to the bathroom. …You ever been shrunken?”

“Yes. It was marvelous. I shall never forget the scent of Lorac’s soles.”

“Great. I’ll never forget the scent of Sheila’s dad’s urine. Say, did her Negative visit?”

Downtown Cleveland

“WOOHOOOOOOO!” Indeed, Sheila and Aliehs were sharing a mop-bucket, speeding along the middle of the road. Naturally, their expressions for this moment were exact opposite. “Ohhhh MAN! I dunno why I ain’t think of this before! COMIN’ THROOOOOUUUGH!”

NEEEEEEE-RRR. Cleveland never faced this many car wrecks since Stickybeard.

Sector W

“Hello! I’m Ynohtna EiznekCm, and I’m your Negative!” the smiling bucktooth greeted brightly. “Would you like to be friends?”

“Hmmm…” The first thing Anthony noticed was the shoes. “Like playing in the mud?”

“No way! Too germy!”

“Theeeen no.”

In the living room: “So I guess you babies eat stuff like CANDY, huh?” asked Yllas Reprah.

“Well, yes… b-but we can still be friends!” Sally beamed.

“Yeah! You like yo-yos?” Harvey asked.

“About the most boring things ever.” Yevrah replied. “Tops are all the rage now.” They pulled out the pointed spinning devices and let them whirl around on the floor.

“Oh… those are cool.”

“Well, they kick yo-yos’ ass.”

“…‘scuse me?”

“Yevrah’s right.” agreed Yllas. “Tops are strong and sturdy, but if those skimpy strings get cut, I can’t imagine your yo-yos have any more use.”

Sally and Harvey exchanged glances, before shooting deadly glares at their opposites. Already, they weren’t liking them.

And outside: “Ah HAAAAaaaaah!” Fybi was happily flying circles above the treehouse. “Thine tongue be bewitched to find no joy in yon leisure time!”

Ibyf Thgirbluf stared at her from the roof with mixed pity. “I can’t imagine how much your grades are slumping.”

“Aye, but what profession shall I seek, than piloting the most luxurious of airplanes? Shouldst I seek a profession at all. Mine spirit shall be free for all days. Dost thou find no joy in yonder thrill?”

“Do all the flying and Shakespearean you want, but if you have poor education, you have poor-”

As fast as wind, Fybi was in front of Ibyf, with eyes so terrifying even Ibyf wouldn’t do a Scare Stare. “Thou shalt come flying with me. And thou shalt find much pleasure.”


Sector IC

“SPLECK! You have Sunshine Atilol dolls??” exclaimed Lola Stork with disgust.

“Like, you play with Gothic Lolita dolls?” said Alol Krots quizzically. “You are definitely my Positive.”

“THIS goes BEYOND parallels!!” the former screamed, shaking her dark little doll.

Outside, Miyuki Crystal was with Ikuyim. “Soooo you’re an earthbender?”

“Crystalbender! Hehe, isn’t that silly! My name is Crystal backwards, but I’M the earthbender, not you! Though I guess our words are only mirrored to yours, so by that logic, my name is actually Miyuki, I guess the opposite thing’s just to lessen confusion. But wow, a timebender, that’s a really rare power! You can get a senior discount on movies!” Ikuyim spoke brightly.

“Yeah… so, um, whaddyou wanna do?”

“That mountain looks fun! Let’s go climb it!” Ikuyim happily skipped toward the fields before the Oil Ice Mountain.

Miyuki followed reluctantly. “Hope it’ll be as fun as Christmas…”

In the treehouse, George, MaKayla, and Terry sat miserable. “Our Negatives didn’t come.” they chorused.

Sector W7

“I FLEW!!” Aisa exclaimed with the brightest eyes. “I finally flew! Can you beLIEVE it, Asia?? After all these years, my wings finally worked!”

“That’s terrific, Aisa!” Asia beamed, hovering a few feet in the air. “Let me see!”

“Uhhh… actually, it only works at certain times.” Aisa blushed, scratching her head. “But just that one time, wow! And I got these!” She held up her Jet Dials.

“Whaddo those do?”

“Fly! Watch.” Aisa slipped the Dials on her feet and began zooming around the room leaving a trail of cloud.

“Isn’t that bad for the atmosphere?”

“Only when planes do it.”

In Aeincha’s room, the Lilliputian girl and her Negative sat on the floor, staring like mirrors. “I’m glad I could finally meet you!” Aeincha beamed.

“I regret so. You look like a boy.”

“Ehhhh.” Aeincha sweatdropped. “Well, you sure have a lot of hair. If you want, I could trim it down.”

“I’ll consent to it. As long as I can examine your face and see if it matches mine for a transplant.”


“You’re right, you’re right. I wanna see if we have the same nervous points, too.”

Apis’s room:

This was undoubtedly, irrefutably, the most awkward silence of all time. No sounds at all. Just the ticks of Apis’s clock. Both parallels sat on her bed, just facing the (4th) wall, blank stares as they couldn’t bear to stare at the other with nothing to say. The only thing besides their clothing which distinguished them from mirrors were their subtle movements, the swinging of their feet, rolling of their eyes, and twiddling their fingers. Apis put her right hand on the bed and tapped her fingers; a new sound added to the mix. The lack of conversation in this Christian-heavy room was unsettling. “The other day I bewitched a priest into thinking he’s gay.” Sipa spoke. Apis got up and walked out of the room as casual as if she were going to the bathroom.

Sector DR

Doflamingo Jr.’s Negative was a royal dork wearing a pigeon coat and drinking twisty-straw smoothie, Sweetie-1’s parallel was a diehard pacifist who wanted nothing to do with war or weaponry, and Bison’s opposite was handsome and trim. “…WE DON’T LIKE ‘EM.” All three Positives shoved their reflections back into the mirrors, shattering them to pieces.

Sector L

Melody and Ydolem sat in the dark, the only light from the TV as Ruby Gloom played. As Ydolem enjoyed this show’s parallel, she thought she’d try the opposite. …It was just as good as it was otherwise. Her blank white eyes stared at the TV, her smiling warmhearted visage unchanging, while Melody passed various impatient glances to her. “. . . . WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT THIIIIIIS?” Melody tore some hair off.

“It’s punishment for all the secrets about people you might’ve unveiled, you stuck-up bitch.” Ydolem didn’t shift from her smiling, gentle, inviting tone at all.

Uno Household

“You know, I think this whole Positive/Negative meeting day was a great idea!” Aurora beamed, sitting with Arorua on the couch. “You and I didn’t get much one-on-one time back in September, and our brothers hang out all the time! It’s only fair we should be friends, too.”

“My brother developed a sudden sissiness, he’s disappointed my mom worse than ever. I can honestly care less for opposite girl bonding.”

“Well, we’re together, so we should try to find an activity we like. Traditional girl thing. Like…Like nail painting! Let’s get those boots off and bring out the—”

“NO.” Arorua yelled defensively. “I…I have turf-toe.”

“Wow, I didn’t take you for the exercising type. Well, let’s go to the spa, that’ll help.”

“I’m not taking off my boots, okay?”

“Sheesh, fashion victim? Those things look a bit too heavy for me.”

“Well maybe that’s why I’m the opposite.”

“Okay, okay. Well, let’s talk about life, how’s it treating you?” Aurora laid her legs on the couch toward Arorua.

“Terrible.” She looked away.

“Care to expand?”

“I’m, I’m just going through a lot of… stuff… okay?”

“What kind of stuff?”

“None of your business.”

“Oooookay then. Look, Ror, if you didn’t wanna do anything, you shouldn’t’ve come here to begin with.”

“I only came to make Nerehc happy, wanting to make ‘change’ for the DNK, he’s become so much a sissy that he thinks we’re all going to die soon.”

“Odd way of thinking, but I still think this is a great idea they came up with. Almost like getting to know ourselves. If nothing else, tell me what missions you go on.”

“A kid stole some vegetables a few weeks ago. We stopped him. In Rebmevon, we beat up a teenager stealing cable. And I think a giant turtle showed up.”

“Yay, you watch Korra.”

“It’s called Arrok in our universe.”

“Ohmygod, that sounds so awesome.”

“Yeah, to be honest, her development was excellent compared to Gnaa’s, but she really slumped in the later seasons. Animation’s not so great.”

“I can understand that. Hawww, look at us bonding. See, we have a good time, right?”

“Don’t get your hopes up.”

Moonbase; Decommissioners’ Quarters

“Aaaand… this is my office.” Francis concluded, showing Sicnarf the various office desks and terminals. “Where we look at operatives’ birthdays and information and… calculate where to catch them when time comes. Do you guys even have decommissioning?”

“Of course not. The DNK’s always found it wasteful, even for the weakest of troops. Ancient DNK operatives came to this world to conduct studies, and looking at their reports, we never understood the point. You have so many strong and talented agents, but you just flush them away.”

Francis wasn’t quite sure how to respond. “Well, it’s just… a KND tradition. I mean, we keep the most trusted operatives as TND, and you should see how many parents remember their days. But by your logic, you should have plenty of teens and adults in your direct organization.”

“Our teens and adults do remain loyal, but they know they can’t last forever, so they have kids to fill their shoes. The story isn’t the same for all of them… some like -2030 do abandon loyalty, find other interests, but their kids still carry on. That’s what our history’s always been.”

“Then decommissioning isn’t a total waste.”

“To be fair, I think your organization would’ve done better without it. Isn’t it true that you’re all so well-informed of what happened 20 years ago that you’ve been able to solve many a crisis and challenge with that knowledge?”

“I, uh… guess it does.”

“So why linger so much on what KND used to be?”

“How- How would you know what I linger on?”

“You’re my opposite, so I predicted your personality based on my own. My father taught me to get accustomed to change, and the DNK he grew up with may be different for me. I assumed you were learned the opposite.”

“Isn’t that called being judgmental?”

“I call it being analytical. And I don’t call them opposites.”

“Fine, to be fair, I read all about the KND my dad used to work for and all it was about before them, and, it was all stuff I got really eager to be a part of. But then I got to the recent stories where benders started sprouting up, then a bunch of other crazy stuff—I’m not saying I’m ignorant or anything—it’s just; we’re letting teenagers stay in the KND directly, we have no more use for a lot of our former bender-replaced tools, things are just so…so… i-it’s like all that KND history I’ve been brushing up on doesn’t apply anymore.”

“I’m certain every new KND generation read the former’s history and were surprised by a dramatic change.” Sicnarf replied. “Or maybe not, otherwise your predecessors wouldn’t have questioned Numbuh 0’s existence. As an organization grows, in time they must realize what they must improve on, and what they must leave behind. If a psychicbender can track villain activity better than an ‘Evil Detector’, the former which will not waste operative resources giving a false alarm over a bully pushing a kid for candy, while a mad scientist is conducting life-threatening experiments on kids, so be it.”

“In my defense, that kinda thing happened recently, none found out beforehand.”

“Regardless. And because your parents could keep their memories, you’ve all become so much knowledgeable and skilled in such a short time. The KND is evolving, Francis, that’s all there is to it. Same as my DNK. In our world, hatred defined the values between sectors and DNKs, but I feel like that is changing. We’ve formed an alliance with the Nimbi DNK, and I hope others will follow the example. I’m certain you agree that these changes will play a vital importance one day. Don’t yooouu?”

Francis got the odd feeling Sicnarf expected him to know something he did. …Francis had no idea, but he didn’t wanna look like an idiot in front of this guy any further. “Yeah, you’re right.”

“To be honest, I can’t much see use for a Decommissioning Squad; why would there still be treacherous teenagers knowing how many people keep their memories?”

“It’s just like your guys, they have their own reasons for betraying. Our best shot at safety is keeping the decoms going.”

“Perhaps so. But it can destroy as much as you’re saving.”

“I guess so… Well, it was great meeting you, anyway. Wanna check on the cousins?”


So with that, the twins stepped outside, just when Marcus and Sucram were walking by. “Hey, so whaddyou guys-”

“SAME CONVERSATION, BUT REVERSE.” Both chorused, passing them by.

“…We were gonna give Sucram his own chapter, but never got around.” Sicnarf mentioned. “He’s same as you.”

“Oh, that makes sense.”

Viewing Platform

Cheren and Nerehc were having Meeting Day, too. Lying on inflatable pool-chairs on a private platform, facing a glass window with a marvelous view of the great blue planet. Cheren had sunglasses to better mirror him, both sipping juices. “Our worlds collide.” Cheren said.

“What a world.” followed his opposite.

“To think you harassed all of us last September. It’s wild how things change so quickly. You think they’re all getting along?”

“I don’t think they ever fully do. But this whole thing is supposed to help both of us. Remember when Aang and Negatar Gnaa fused together to fight Arceus?”

“Oh yeah, that part was weird.”

“Well, apparently other opposites can do that. But it’s a pretty dangerous thing, it’s safer to have both sides working together.”

“You think we should try doing that?”

“Hell no, I ain’t inserting myself in you. That reminds me, I told you what Sanula told me, but is there anything Zanifr mighta told you I didn’t hear?”

“Uuuumm… well, he said the people who survive is based on a Will of Sixes, people who have six letters in their name. Like us. The Fierce Deity Mask I used contains the spirit of Link’s Negative. Did Sanula talk about Zoni or the Giants?”

“Yeah, he mentioned those. And then he turned into an angel and went to Heaven.”

“He did?”

“’t’s what it looked like. Where’s Zanifr?”

“I just left him. I really have mixed feelings about him, to be honest.”

They sat quietly for minutes and stared at the rotating Earth. Its endless seas, Oceana underneath, blank white clouds, Skypia on top, and all of its vast continents… looked so small, and gorgeous surrounded by these billions of stars. “Your world looks really pretty up here, Cheren.”

“Best view of the day.”

“We don’t get such a view. It’s all smog and darkness… always looks so dead.”

“Do you really think… it’s all going to happen?”

“It came from two creepy gray guys with uncomfortable personalities, so yeah.”

“I really hate to see all of it go. Everything we’ve come to know and love… I don’t know if I can stop it.”

“You probably can’t. That’s why you got me.” Nerehc smirked. “To bail you out of crazy situations.”

“Heh heh heh heh. …Well, the day’s almost up. ‘Course we promised the other Time Zones some one-on-one time. This was fun, though. You think we should get them together again?”

“We’ll put it to a vote, but the majority will be no. …But that way, it’ll be a tie, so maybe we will. Eventually.”

“Ahhh,” Cheren stood and stretched, “well, let’s make the announcement soon. Wonder how many learned something today.”

Uno House

In time, Aurora and Arorua treated their selves to a game of Nintendo’s worst-seller, Cooking Mama. Despite the title character looking totally *** up, the game featured recipes from the Paper Mario series, so it was cool to try ‘em all out. “At least we ended up doing something together.” Aurora said. “I really think we can be good friends, Aror. Even if you don’t agree.”

“…. Yeeeeaaah.” As gloomy as ever, Aror was. “…Hey, um… how do you feel about Cheren?”

“What? He’s my brother. He’s a great leader and he always protects us and I love him. You don’t feel the same about your brother?”

“Well… before the whole alliance thing, he always acted nonchalant. Which was just how his mother raised him to be.”

“Don’t you mean your mother?”

“I-… Mom never pays attention to us much, only Nerehc. He’s the typical spoiled child, only seized the office by stealing it. I…I never thought he would change DNK at all.”

“That’s why you need to have faith. Cheren always doubted himself, but look at how much he’s accomplished. He saved the world twice now; I’ll bet he can do it again.”

Arorua said nothing. On Nerehc’s orders, she chose not to mention the Apocalypse, but it didn’t look like Aurora was afraid at all. Her faith in her brother was strange. What made her her opposite. Aurora would never think of…

“You should have that faith in Nerehc.” Aurora smiled. “He surprised you once, he’ll surprise you again.”


“Say something new, why don’t ya.”

Aurora’s wristwatch rang, the girl viewing it as Cheren called. “This is a message to all Kids Next Door operatives. Meet Your Match Day officially ends in 10 minutes. You may return to your normal worlds soon, unless you desire a few extra minutes. You may keep the mirrors at your treehouses should you desire any further one-on-one time. This’s been Numbuh 3621, I hope you enjoyed meeting your matches.” Switched off.

“I kind of did.” said Aurora. “But I guess you’ll be returning home. …I hope I see you again, Ror.”

Arorua closed her DS. “…Yeah… you too, Ror.”

The Negative went to the living room and climbed through its mirror, Aurora watching as her matching reflection appeared. Aurora smiled and waved happily at herself, and she could’ve sworn her reflection frowned glumly.


“Well, I hope we all had a fun day meeting our Negatives.” Cheren said to his many followers via the sector-connected terminals. “How was it?”



It’s like they were three separate armies.

“Heh heh heh. Perhaps we’ll schedule another meeting. …‘Soon as the other Time Zones get theirs. Those of you on the other side of the world, get ready to meet your matches, and don’t kill each other. Those on the former side, have a good night.” He ended transmission.

“Well, I didn’t learn anything from her, but Ay sure hope she learned from me.” Panini said confidently. “What made you two decide to do this again?”

“Um… just came up. Anyway, now we gotta plan for graduation next month. Marcus said the cadets looked really eager this year. Heh, there’s that giant girl for one, and some girl called ‘Candy’ or somethin’, says they’re looking pretty good. Siiigh, Lord only knows what this year has in store.” As he turned to go to his office, Panini followed him suspiciously.

“Cheren, you…’ve been acting a wee bit strange lately. Is something going on?”

“…No, Panini… nothing out of the ordinary.”

“Coming from the KND’s hero… okay.” So she returned to her post. Cheren returned to his office to fill out the last of his paperwork. If Nerehc could be so trustworthy, telling his operatives and Cheren himself… was he really the very opposite leader?

In the Netherverse

There were many universes that connected as one. One of them existed in the very matter. Endless space and unique shapes it created that bore hardness like rocks… the opposite side of matter, and its creatures thriving in endless purple.

The essence of matter, that which was not brimming with spiritual energy, like souls or chi which existed with forms of matter, made it an excellent blind spot under the gods’ eye. And very deep, deep in the darkest depths of this cosmos, a being slept. Slept and listened only to the sounds such a serene, concealed dimension could bring. This being opened his gorgeous eyes, one yellow one black, and stared up into the wavy heavens.

“When the Day of Apocalypse dawns… Twenty Keys will open the gate to the New World: Seven Lights and Thirteen Darknesses. Then, the Goddesses of Light and Darkness will battle to decide if that world is centered around their ideals. Quite possibly… the richest lie the gods ever thought up for themselves. Don’t you agree? English…”

So’d you ever wonder what happened in the gap between CLOWN and NECSUS? That’s one of the things. Sooooo Negative meetings off the wazoo. Gotta get them used to each other, aye? Because it won’t be long now. I’ll see you as we near the story’s conclusion.
The interactions were pretty much spit-balled, yeah, but I didn't wanna waste too much chapter time, except for important ones, and it's more fun to get a brief glimpse at their relations to let people assume afterwards. Plus, a few of them already met. P.S. there were also a couple typos in this chapter I decided to leave be. ;)

Chapter 18:…
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Azure-Wolf-227's avatar
Well, some things are better when you assume them! Hey, does Chris birthmark has some significance?